YesXR (Yamaha Electone SYSEX Recorder) built with Purr Data / Pd-L2Ork (Pd engine)

YesXR (Yamaha Electone SysEX Recorder) is a free/libre and open source Project (GNU GPL v.3) which targets the owners of ‘vintage’ Electone Series   These are the Yamaha Electone CHX/HX, HS/US, EL-90s and EL-900s Series (MIDI organs) marketed worldwide between ~ 1986 and ~ 2001, associated with the Yamaha Music Disk Recorder (MDR-x) device peripherals marketed worldwide between ~ 1986 and ~ 1996. Currently out-of-the-box, YesXR can recognize and communicate with about 32 different ‘vintage’ MIDI Electone models. Other Electone models could be added upon enough interest and requests from users.   Last Update: June 26th, 2022 — YesXR version 0.3.0 ◊ Table of Contents YesXR Presentation Electone Series Selection Electone HS/US Series Example Help File & Debugging Visual Program […]

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ReceiveMIDI & SendMIDI Monitors / Purr Data [shell] object

ReceiveMIDI et SendMIDI sont deux utilitaires performants multi-plateforme en ligne de commande qui facilitent, à partir de votre ordinateur, la réception, l’envoi et le contrôle rapide des messages MIDI depuis/vers des appareils MIDI Le gros du travail est effectué par la puissante bibliothèque JUCE (un framework multi-plateforme pour les applications Audio / MIDI / Vidéo) en version 6.x (sous Personal Free License). « ReceiveMIDI » & « SendMIDI » (sous GNU General Public License v3.0) peuvent être utilisés comme des applications autonomes ou interfacées avec d’autres applications comme ci-dessous avec Purr Data / Pd-L2Ork (des logiciel libres et interactifs de programmation visuelle pour la Musique assistée par ordinateur (MAO) et le Multimédia) sous les systèmes d’exploitation libres GNU/Linux incluant RPi OS, mais aussi propriétaires […]

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Rencontrez le Chat : Introduction rapide à PURR DATA (vs Pd-l2ork vs Pd-extended vs Pure Data)

Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur PURR DATA (données ronronnantes) sans jamais oser le demander à votre matou préféré ! 😉 • Mise à jour : Septembre 2020 Cet article est la traduction aussi fidèle que possible de : Meet the Cat: A Quick Introduction to Purr Data – Mise à jour de septembre 2020 écrit par le Docteur Albert Gräf du Département de Musique Informatique – Institut de Musicologie et Histoire de l’Art @ l’Université Johannes Gutenberg (JGU) à Mayence en Rhénanie-Palatinat, Allemagne. Illustration en Video – Getting Started with Purr Data by Albert Gräf (Graef) – durée 1h31 en anglais Présentation donnée durant la LAC 2018 (Linux Audio Conference) en juin 2018 à Berlin Site […]

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Simple MIDI Sequencer (SMS) v.0.2.12 with Audio Recorder (cross-platform)

SMS is a real-time MIDI & Audio Sequencer offering all the basic functions needed by the amateur musicians for easily recording and playing back their performances on any computer ♦ The ‘SMS’ Project has moved and it has now a dedicated page HERE consolidating all its versions! For following the evolution of this MIDI/Audio project, please visit above link…  

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Simple MIDI Sequencer (SMS) v.0.2.9 with Audio capability (cross-platform)

SMS is a real-time MIDI & Audio Sequencer offering all the basic functions needed by the amateur musicians for easily recording and playing back their performances on any computer ♦ The ‘SMS’ Project has moved and it has now a dedicated page HERE consolidating all its versions! For following the evolution of this MIDI/Audio project, please visit above link…  

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Simple MIDI Sequencer (SMS) v.0.2.7 with Audio capability (cross-platform)

SMS is a simple, but not a simplistic, real-time MIDI & Audio Sequencer offering all the basic functions needed by the amateur musicians for easily recording and playing back theirs performances on any computer ♦ The ‘SMS’ Project has moved and it has now a dedicated page HERE consolidating all its versions! For following the evolution of this MIDI/Audio project, please visit above link…  

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Simple MIDI Sequencer (SMS) v.0.2.5 with Audio capability (cross-platform)

SMS is a simple, but not a simplistic, real-time MIDI & Audio Sequencer offering all the basic functions needed by the amateur musicians for easily recording and playing back theirs performances on any computer Simple MIDI Sequencer (SMS) is a free/libre software developed with Purr Data / Pd-L2Ork (an improved version of Pure Data Vanilla). SMS runs under Purr Data or Pd-L2Ork (to be installed), free/libre development environments oriented objects, on at least free/libre GNU/Linux, as well as proprietary macOS and Windows operating systems. Simple MIDI Sequencer (SMS) can be used as it is or freely modified – adapted by anyone to her/his particular needs/tastes (DIY – Do It Yourself). ♦ The ‘SMS’ Project has moved and it has now […]

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